One Thousand Gifts

“Eucharisteo” – thanksgiving – always precedes the miracle. I haven’t been able to get that simple, yet powerful, sentence out of my mind since reading it in Ann Voskamp’s book, “one thousand gifts.”
How do we give thanks through trauma and tragedies? Through setbacks, failures, disappointments, and everyday struggles? And what exactly constitutes a miracle?
Through Ann’s well-written words of wisdom I think I’ve discovered an answer that I wish I had come to know years ago. Despite difficulties in life, there is always something to be thankful for, whether it’s a fresh baked loaf of bread or the sight of our children (or grandchildren) laughing as they play. Eucharisteo comes in the warmth of a hug, or the letter from a faraway friend who’s just writing to say I miss you.
For many years I thought true joy came through romantic love, travel, accomplishments and possessions. Even after declaring Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I failed to see the power of gratitude for simple, everyday things. Oh, how happy I am to know it now. To grasp, without question, the blessing of the miracle that comes after giving thanks.
What is that miracle, you ask? It’s the joy of the Lord, chara. In everything. Everyday.
Am I saying I’m happy twenty-four hours a day? No. But I am more aware of Almighty God and the gratitude I feel when I experience His Presence and love. Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow.
May your daily eucharisteo fill you with abundant joy. Chara.