My heart aches. My stomach churns. My mind twists and turns when I worry about those I love and grow anxious about an uncertain future. I've wasted hours, maybe days, in the past trying to plan every moment and every outcome in an effort to avoid failure, frustration and pain. And what did I get besides incredibly weary?
I got more anxious and frustrated until my heart pounded so loud I couldn't ignore it. I drove myself to the ER and ended up spending the night in a hospital bed. Why is it so hard to trust God, to be content where we are and leave our anxiety and the pain and challenges of those we love to Him to fix, to comfort, to guide?
Meditate on the words of Shauna Niequist in her most recent book, "Present over Perfect." God's plans for us are often so simple "He tells the rain to rain and the snow to snow; and all He asks of us is that we talk with Him, listen for His voice, and do the "thing" He created us to do." THAT'S true freedom.
I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to ask God what He has planned for me each day. I'm looking forward to being no one but me. I pray you feel "free to be" you, too!
“God’s asking me to be the thing he’s already created me to be. And he’s asking you to be the thing he’s already created for you to be.”